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OMO: On My Own

Dear Friends,

I had finished my studies in the year 2011 and received my first pay check in the month of Sept 2011. It was a wonderful feeling of achieving something really powerful. I felt really motivated to continue with my work since it helped me fulfill many of my wishes. In addition to the financial stability, I realized I have gained something that was priceless and even more powerful such as:

- It provided me independence and confidence

- Gave me an experience to live outside my comfort zone

- Made me capable to multitask, handle pressures and unexpected situations

- Encouraged me to be self reliant and boosted my self-esteem

- Helped me realize the importance of time and money

The qualities which we develop while we work and earn are those which we gain only through experience. And we require these qualities time and again in our life.

The society and culture where I come from, not many women are keen on working or in many cases they are not allowed to do so. However, the mindsets have changed with time, but still it remains a challenge for a married woman and even more difficult for a mother to do so.

In general, I have observed that an earning member of the family is given more importance than a non-earning member. We know that a non-earning member is equally important, but do we really follow this equality? I am sure you all know the answer.

Instead of changing everyone's thinking lets change ourselves. Let us step out, work and earn.

I strongly believe that each and every person be it a Man or Woman, should work and be self-reliant. It is more beneficial for a woman to earn than not earn. Yes, I agree, being a woman you may sometimes feel being trapped between your work and personal life. But, believe me you will soon figure out the best and the most efficient solution to it unless you quit the job. You will eventually learn to prioritize your tasks. Pressure brings out the best in a person. Same goes here. You will be carved to be your best. You will set an example for your children and they will learn the true meaning of equality right from their childhood.

To all those who restrict or try to create barriers for a woman to step out, I have one question for you -

A woman takes birth as someone's most loving daughter, she gets married and lives with another family managing all her responsibilities selflessly, she turns out to be the best mother to her child and you think she won't be able to manage her work and earn..?

We all have so many dreams and desires and to fulfill those we should try to become self-reliant. We have got this one life. Don't let go. Whatever it is, it is here. Put in all the efforts to be on your own.

Stay strong, stay fearless, stay independent and stay working...Lets go OMO!!

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