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Travelling- An Investment

Hey Friends,

Planet Earth is a wonderful place to live in, isn't it?. There are billions of miracles hidden in every part of this world. In this life even if I can see 10% of this beautiful world , i will feel really grateful. I am sure we all love to travel and explore new places. Travelling is a divine experience for me. I can actually feel the power of God by looking at those spectacular and heart warming landscapes. I realize that I am such a tiny part of this universe and there is so much to do and achieve in life. It inspires me to work hard everyday so that I can experience at least some of the miracles.

Experience is my biggest treasure. Experience of a different land, different food, culture, people, lifestyle, language etc. is a treasure in itself. Its a life long investment which I am sure will never fade away. For me its not just a leisure activity , its my priority. As if i have started a journey which i never want to end.

Oh oh ..but here comes the reality check- Money...!! Yes of course it is one of the most important factor. But there are other factors as well, such as time, willingness to spend, willingness to set aside other material pleasures, willingness to stay outside the comfort zone etc. I save for travelling just like we save for any other investment because as I said, this my evergreen investment. I don't want to wait till I grow old and then plan my travels. Travelling inspires me. It motivates me and enhances me. Then why wait till the end. Lets experience the best things first.. !!!

The city that I live in may be a travel destination for someone else and vice versa. But we are so busy in our daily lives that we forget to appreciate the beauty that lies within. But when I travel, my mind and heart are fully relaxed and focused which enables me to be in awe of the blue sky, crystal blue sea and even the lush green trees.

'The road is there, it will always be there. You just have to decide when to take it.'

I truly thank God for this beautiful world and pray that I continue to get inspired and my love for travelling keeps on growing stronger and stronger every passing day.

My dream is to go on a backpacking trip which I am sure will be fulfilled with His blessings and my family's support.

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