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Going Solo!!!

Dear Friends,

Writing this blog gives me immense pleasure as this was one of my dream come true!

I did my first ever Solo Trip from 17 May 2019 to 24 May 2019 to Georgia (country).

I always read blogs on solo trips and watched videos of solo travellers which inspired me to try going Solo at least once. With the love, support and encouragement of my family, I finally was able to do one this year.

Why I selected Georgia?

Since I stay in UAE, I do not require visa for Georgia. Also it's only a 3 hours flight from here and one of the cheapest and diversed destination. Since it was my first time I didn't prefer going too far and spend much on my solo trip.

How did I execute?

My partner gave me the idea of this destination due to the above reasons. He believed in me more than I did and encouraged me to just do it.

My parents and parent in-laws also supported my decision to do a solo trip. I am really obliged to them for supporting my decision and encouraging me to go ahead.

I truly respect their open mindedness, love and trust towards me and my dreams.

Was I scared ?

Yes of course, as the days were nearing I was feeling very anxious, nervous, scared happy and excited was like a storm of mixed feelings within me.

Will I enjoy there? Or will I get bored? What kind of people will I meet? Will it be safe? Will it be enriching? Will it boost my confidence? Will it change my attitude? I mean there were so many questions and so many answers going on in my mind.

But I had to do it once . I wanted to experience travelling solo. I wanted to face myself. I had to trust myself and believe in me . And finally the day arrived!

Where did I stay and how did I go around?

I always wanted to experience staying in a hostel. So this time I stayed in Mark's Hostel in Tbilisi. On my first day I felt a bit odd sharing a room with 5 other people but later on somehow I really started liking it. I found many travel tour companies in the city centre and opted for 4 day trips to different places in Georgia. They take us in group of 15 people in a mini bus and it's not at all expensive. For the other 2 days I did Tbilisi city tour on my own.

My Itinerary:

Day 1: Reached hostel in the evening so just strolled around by the nearby locality

Day 2: Day trip to Mtskheta, Gori, Uplisthike

Day 3: Day trip to Kaheti wine region and Signaghi

Day 4: Day trip to Kazbegi

Day 5: Tbilisi city tour on my own

Day 6: Day trip to Kutaisi, Prometheus Caves and Martvili canyon

Day 7: Tbilisi city tour on my own

Day 8: Afternoon flight to Dubai.

Tour company names: Fab Georgia and Inga Tours

Experience and learnings:

I made my first ever vlogs of every day excursions just like how I used to see on you tube channels. On the 1st day I felt really awkward talking in front of the camera. I was wondering what people around me would think, how do I look, is my voice good enough, etc..I used to go to a spot where no body would be there to shoot my videos. But gradually I stared feeling so confident and happy shooting it all. I didn't feel weird at all. The videos are not of professional level but still they are pretty good. I realised that I too can do it and it's really awesome.

In all my day trips and even in my hostel room I used to meet some amazing people from different parts of the world who were so inspiring and friendly. I never felt I was alone. In fact you are never alone because when you see yourself surrounded by so many people how can you be alone. It's just that we are seeing and meeting them for the first time. In fact when they came to know I was travelling solo they felt really proud of me rather than surprised. I realised how important and positive is the power of acceptance.

I made some amazing friends there even though we had language issues 😂.

I felt so rejuvinated and confident and my perspective towards life has changed to some extent. My fear has reduced to some extent. I have learnt that it's fine to just be yourself and listen to your heart. Money is important but being yourself and loving yourself is most important.

I am in general an introvert person but somehow I was completely different there. May be thats the real me. I really feel in love with myself more than ever. I am really happy the way I am instead of comparing myself with someone more successful and happier than me. I gained my confidence back and the motivation to do better every day.

Go solo and come back loving yourself!!!

Solo travel has helped me to discover myself and get me closer to myself.

You are your best companion and hence one should try to spend some time with oneself.

Travelling solo is the best gift to myself and 'first time' is always special because it comes only once. I truly and whole heartedly thank my family for this experience.

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