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Three Decades

Dear friends, 

I have heard this saying ' every decade our life changes'. However I never realized it until this day.

Beginning with the first ten years of our life which are our childhood days aka the golden age. At this time everything is so tender and divine. Our first step, first smile, first word is so precious and best memories for our parents.

We are showered with love and care and it's the period of amazing transformation from a new born to a child. 

Then comes the teen age also the study age. An age where we make new friends, see the outside world and where we feel we are free birds with our wings spread out and no time to rest. We are fully surrounded with vibrant energy, ambition , aspirations, love, friendship, dreams and much more.

I had been a student who always excelled in academics, everyone used to praise me and had set very high expectations about the career I choose. Eventually I felt that what I am doing is 100% correct and I am sure to achieve my dreams.

These 2 decades had been truly the best time of my life where I felt I have had the best of education, friends, college, positivity, happiness and success at it's peak.

Then started the third decade. I had selected finance as my career option and as expected I had excelled in my graduation and professional course. I joined a corporate and started with job at a decent position and pay. I was happy because I was earning now. Money gives power, confidence and independence. I realised that and felt happy about that. However, before even I realised I was getting trapped in fear. The fear of losing job, fear of not earning, fear of failure. Job became monotonous.

I always felt had I been an artist I would have been really happy. I wanted to do something of my own but never gave it a serious try due to the fear of not succeeding . 

During this decade ( 20 to 30 years) I got married and moved to Dubai. I had met the most important person of my life - my husband, my best friend, my soulmate also while studying together for the professional course. 

I was always fascinated with travelling to different countries. After coming to Dubai I got the opportunity to travel to different countries.

I was very happy but deep inside not satisfied with the work I did daily. 

While travelling I used to click a lot of pictures - all stored in my mobile and laptop which I could hardly go back and check. Hence I decided to make a handmade album and got some of the best pics printed  so that I can always go back to those memories. I also sourced the materials while I was on one of my travel. 

The day I made my first album in Sept 2018, I was so happy. I had this amazing feeling of creating something so unique and something which was completely mine. My brain and heart was fully into it. This was the turning point. 

This gave birth to RHD creations- Handmade Designer Albums. I decided to make many more albums but this time to sell. My plan is to keep an exhibition in few months. I don't know if this will be a successful venture or no but I know this is something which I do with my full heart and give my best at. This has given me the the confidence to trust myself. It has has given me the feeling of true accomplishment and happiness.  

These 3 decades made me realize that God had planned this whole series of events for me.

Even though I felt I  made the wrong career choice but may be that would have been the best possible way to create RHD Creations.

I truly believe nothing is waste. Every event and opportunity has its own purpose. I positively wait to unfold what the fourth decade holds for me.


Please do check my instragram link below to check my work: 

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