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I don't have time, really?

Dear friends,

Have you ever faced situations where you experience struggle between your work and personal goals or feeling short of time for doing something for yourself?

I do experience that sometimes. But is it a reality or myth?

I tried to understand this and I would like to share the same with you all.

Discipline - means to obey certain rules and code of behaviour. It may come through some force acting on us who is our higher authority like our parents, bosses, teachers etc. But, after a certain age we will be on our own. Our parents or teachers won’t give us strict instructions. However, bosses might be there but only during work hours.

I always felt my life was pretty sorted till the time I graduated. There was so much to do in one day and most importantly I was able to do everything that I had planned for myself. But when I became young, started working and became independent, I found that at many instances I used to fall short of time and was unable to do everything that I wished or planned for myself.

What is the reason for that..?

If I compare both the situations the difference is discipline. Yes, that’s the reason.

I don’t have that pressure on me and no one to give me instructions. So now it’s my responsibility to take charge of myself. Give instructions and set rules for myself. In other words, to be self disciplined. It is rightly said - with power comes responsibility. Today when I have the power of being independent and take my own decisions, I have to be more responsible to take control of myself.

It may sound really easy to be self disciplined but it is actually not. We are habituated to pamper ourselves so much that, it is not easy to change overnight but, if we try then it is definitely possible.

After coming from work what I generally do is have dinner, watch television , scroll some social networking sites and then sleep. Is this the way to lead a healthy and efficient life...? No,not all!

I spend so much of my time doing something which is not actually required, which does not add any value to my life.

Why instead of switching on the television,I pursue some online course or instead of socializing, read some book, instead of getting up late in the morning , get up little early and practice yoga?

In order to maximize our time utilization we need to select among the activities which are actually required and which are not. I am sure you all will also be able to figure out atleast two things which you may be doing that hardly adds any value.

The good thing is I am trying to change. I am learning to implement self discipline in my day to day life. I have made a list of things that I wish to do or learn and I ensure that I give it priority after coming back from work and during weekends. I want to set rules for myself. Challenge myself daily to be better. My little and consistent effort now can bring a big change in me, isn't it?

There is no such concept of “ I don’t have time “. If I plan well and obey my own set rules and discipline, I am sure to go miles ahead. I believe, where there is self discipline, there is sufficient time.

Self Discipline is the the key to a better version of yourself.


To be successful what is required is commitment, dedication and discipline. We tend to pamper ourselves so much that now it’s time to make it tough and turn out to be a true gem. Trust me, all the hardships that we might face will take us closer to success and that feat is worth all the pain.

Time is more valuable than money. If we spend time on unnecessary things today, we might be left with no time to do the things that are necessary tomorrow.

Let's not wait for tomorrow. Whatever it is, do it NOW!

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